Thursday, January 28, 2016

Why we all complain ?

Complaints. Complaints, complaining, complained. Now, if you're wondering why I've written the word 'complain' so many times in different ways then that's just because I'm trying to prove a point. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Oh no! She's going to start complaining about people who complain! Quickly exit this page!"
Well, don't worry. I'm not here to nag you about how complaining is wrong and how it's 'not nice' and everything, because sadly, I too complain about things a lot as well, even though I'm trying to consciously stop it. Most of us do complain, whether it's for the good or bad it doesn't matter. But for some reason we've all been programmed to do so.
There are some who are told never to complain. That doesn't really help, either. You see when someone tries not to do something, they are actually suppressing the need to say how they feel which isn't exactly a good thing. A thought that isn't said out loud is kind of like a seed being planted in the dark. It would eventually grow into a tree which bears fruits. In the case of suppressing thoughts and opinions you would one day find that the thoughts you have once kept in the dark exploding inside of you.
But if you bring a seed into the light it loses the ability to grow and thus you will eventually learn to manage the thoughts you once suppressed.
Complaints actually can help people improve. But in that case you aren't really complaining. You're actually giving feedback to someone in hopes that they can improve on themselves and you wouldn't want to actually find any faults in them. Instead you genuinely want to help them find ways to make themselves better.
The difference is when we complain about something because we are finding faults in it. When we are just finding faults in people and in the situations that we come across, we are basically just finding faults in ourselves. Every heard the saying 'The world is just a reflection of you'? Well, believe it or not, it's actually true!
You see whenever you think, say or do something, you send out powerful vibrations that attract to you the environment around you. If that sounded too science-y, to put it in simple words, anything that happens around you is because of you!
So when you are complaining about something, do remember that you are the one that put yourself into that mess in the first place. Without your thoughts, words and actions the annoying situation in front of you would not be able to take place!
The annoying friend you have? That's because of you!
Your teacher/boss/parent that keeps nagging at you? That's because of you too!
The cat that pooped on your lawn that's always causing trouble around your neighborhood? Guess what? It's also because of your thoughts!
So, how do you stop this? First things first. Try to consciously take effort not to complain about the things that go wrong to your friends, instead try countering it by counting your blessings and feeling grateful for the things that went right in your day.
Slowly, as you regain conscious control of your thoughts, you will find that you are more likely to see the brighter side of things whenever situations occur in which you would usually feel the need to complain about.
Start slowly... but just don't forget to start. So, Good Luck! And I'll see you at the brighter side.

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