Sunday, January 17, 2016


Few years back i fostered a new habit in my daily routine to help me clearly observe the fast paced monotonous life that i had been leading. Every night when i go to bed, when i am engulfed in darkness, utter silence, just before when i am done reading a book (been reading "The Mistborn" currently) i start thinking about the events that happened with me the same day, the disputes that were settled, that erupted or simply the moments that occurred during the day. Analyzing each and every one of them is quiet boring or time consuming so instead, i focus on the most important ones. For instance , the 11th hour preparations for the early morning office cab is what i was adamant to analyze and solve, for during that time i breathe heavily (try to stop yourself that time and analyze it), i am under pressure and my thoughts are negative that time. All these kept me worried and apparently the feeling of not being punctual provoked it all together. This was just a small observation which was difficult to observe while it was happening , but easier during this phase when i was calm and focussed over my thoughts. By analyzing the problem, it was already half solved and remaining half was solved by intaking nominal diet in the night, sleeping early and some self talking before going to sleep every night. The inferences that i drew can be different for most of us, the solution hence may vary but the process of analysis would be same for most of us. 

Another inference that i drew repetitively every night was my short temper which usually resulted in sour conversations that affected my whole day and my health as well. The reasons for this were many such as argumentative opponent, clash of egos and most of the times, impatience. I am putting continuous efforts to control my anger by constantly meditating, stopping and thinking before responding in such intense situations. Meditation has been quiet helpful and most of the times when earlier i used to land in a fight, now i am able to stop it before it even happens.This happens because meditation make us more aware of our thoughts thus giving us ample of information to deal with the situations we are in. Lately when i was reading a very interesting book by a renowned author named Jack Canfield in which he describes various principles that lead to success ,he gives a very nice equation of life by giving an example.

E + R = O

E - The event

R - Your response

O - The outcome

The Event in the above equation is what we cannot control , which is bound to occur and will happen no matter what. Now to change the outcome (
O) (whether positive or negative) entirely depends on how we deal with the event, how we Respond (R) to the event (E). I keep this equation in proximity to keep focussing on it and help myself deal with events and have a positive outcome out of them.

My introspection is still ongoing every night when i sleep as it helps me get a better grip over my life and makes me a better being with every problem that i solve. This was my way of dealing with life , do share your techniques that you use in the comments section below.



  1. Just concentrate on one thought , I am so happy and grateful that everything around me is superb and everything is in sync with the universe. I can achieve anything and everything. Believe on this thought and write this thought daily in a diary. And read it before you go to sleep. In 30 days you will get the answer for your above introspection..

  2. If you can bring distance between you and the identifications that you carry, you can start seeing such things as you mentioned. Fight/Anger is always an outcome of misunderstandings. And misunderstandings is nothing but some kind of beliefs that we carry. Every one has his own belief system which clashes with the other. Just like you are able to watch you thoughts slipping by when you observed them during the rush situation to catch cab, similarly, you will see in some time, your beliefs as a distant entity that kick starts the anger machine. The moment you watch this belief as a distant entity, you won the half of the battle to conquer anger.
    But i want to warn you, which i too received few years back, that, you will never ever able to produce anger if you meditate. If you can live without it, then go ahead!!

  3. Yes, ashish ill be happy to forego the feeling of anger :-) and i will some day. Thanks for sharing such nice thoughts. We can discuss more when we meet on your birthday :-D

  4. This is really a worth reading article Rahul. Just a suggestion make a habit when you fail don't lose hope and when you achieve any success don't forget to thank you parents and God immediately

    1. You have put the most suitable sugeestion here hassan :-). Thank you


  5. Our source of anger is our unfulfilled desire or obsession to things or person or achievements. As long as we keep chasing it, it will remain unreachable. If you let go and wait with Faith and Hope, and just keep working towards it, the un-achievable becomes achievable like a magic. Remember, as a child when we used to play "catch me if you can", the more we chased the more we could not catch. And when we fell down exhausted, the one whom we were chasing, came to pick up. Remember? Mantra is Keep things Simple, Easy and Playful. Anything complicated is not worth your time.
