Thursday, January 28, 2016

Your current habits, good or bad ?

Many times people take special note of their health so they will pay close attention to the foods that they eat, their daily exercises and any other thing can affect the quality of their life. In some situations, people are doing things on a regular basis that they may or may not know will affect how they feel as they grow older. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is important that they listen to and follow recommendations made by nutrition, health and other professionals that identify things that can go wrong if they do not change their habits. To that end, here's 10 everyday things that are bad for you.

1. Eating Processed foods

Some people eat processed food everyday even though they hear and understand that these foods are bad for their health. With the addition of extra salt and other kinds of chemicals being combined with certain foods, anyone who eats it can expect their health to be compromised. Some of the more commonly known choices that people are incorporating in their diets includes bacon, bologna, pepperoni, lunch meats, ham a host of other meats that's noted on this long list.

2. Using sun lotion

It's not uncommon for an individual to use sun lotion on their skin to protect it from the harmful sun rays. However, before an individual incorporates this kind of daily regimen, it's important that they consider the type used before applying it. This is because some sun lotions are made with harmful chemicals that have been reported as being responsible for tumors. So, it's best to use no sun lotion at all versus using one with the wrong ingredients.

3. Skim Milk

Some people are milk lovers and they want to drink every day. However, because of all of the calories contained in it, people are switching from whole milk to skim milk. Unfortunately, this change is also problematic because skim milk is made without calories and essential vitamins. It is also available in powdered form that contains oxidized cholesterol that's responsible for arterial flow problems and the risks for heart attacks.

4. Backpack

Children and adults alike carry backpacks to ease the load.

However, people should know this added convenience does have its drawbacks too. In specific, backpacks worn improperly can cause both children and adults serious chronic back pain problems.

5. Too Many Hot Showers

Staying fresh and clean on a routine basis does not appear to create problems. However, taking too many showers can result in multiple issues. Two of the more notable known include premature aging and dehydration that can result in issues like eczema.

6. Wearing Cheap sunglasses

People save money where ever they can so they may choose cheap sun glasses instead of the most expensive. While this savings may seem like it's a great idea, it's not since cheap versions exposes the eyes to UV rays instead of adding protection.

7. Citric Acid is bad for the teeth.

People should avoid any products that's bad for the teeth. Since citric acid is known for eroding them and causing unnecessary decay, people should eliminate it from their daily diets, whenever they can.

8. Eating Popcorn

People enjoy eating a big bag of popcorn at the movies or even when they at home. Even though popcorn makes a great snack, people will find that it is also bad for a couple of reasons, gum infections when getting stuck in the gums and chemicals found in the packaging.

9. Waking up to alarm clocks

Many people wake up to alarm clocks so they will be on time in the morning. Unfortunately, this is also problematic because it's unnatural way of awakening, raises blood pressure and interrupts the sleep instead of awakening naturally.

10. Using Computers

There are many different problems associated with using computers. Some of the more notable include carpal tunnel syndrome from typing, back problems from sitting improperly, and neurological problem from harmful substances.

Why we all complain ?

Complaints. Complaints, complaining, complained. Now, if you're wondering why I've written the word 'complain' so many times in different ways then that's just because I'm trying to prove a point. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Oh no! She's going to start complaining about people who complain! Quickly exit this page!"
Well, don't worry. I'm not here to nag you about how complaining is wrong and how it's 'not nice' and everything, because sadly, I too complain about things a lot as well, even though I'm trying to consciously stop it. Most of us do complain, whether it's for the good or bad it doesn't matter. But for some reason we've all been programmed to do so.
There are some who are told never to complain. That doesn't really help, either. You see when someone tries not to do something, they are actually suppressing the need to say how they feel which isn't exactly a good thing. A thought that isn't said out loud is kind of like a seed being planted in the dark. It would eventually grow into a tree which bears fruits. In the case of suppressing thoughts and opinions you would one day find that the thoughts you have once kept in the dark exploding inside of you.
But if you bring a seed into the light it loses the ability to grow and thus you will eventually learn to manage the thoughts you once suppressed.
Complaints actually can help people improve. But in that case you aren't really complaining. You're actually giving feedback to someone in hopes that they can improve on themselves and you wouldn't want to actually find any faults in them. Instead you genuinely want to help them find ways to make themselves better.
The difference is when we complain about something because we are finding faults in it. When we are just finding faults in people and in the situations that we come across, we are basically just finding faults in ourselves. Every heard the saying 'The world is just a reflection of you'? Well, believe it or not, it's actually true!
You see whenever you think, say or do something, you send out powerful vibrations that attract to you the environment around you. If that sounded too science-y, to put it in simple words, anything that happens around you is because of you!
So when you are complaining about something, do remember that you are the one that put yourself into that mess in the first place. Without your thoughts, words and actions the annoying situation in front of you would not be able to take place!
The annoying friend you have? That's because of you!
Your teacher/boss/parent that keeps nagging at you? That's because of you too!
The cat that pooped on your lawn that's always causing trouble around your neighborhood? Guess what? It's also because of your thoughts!
So, how do you stop this? First things first. Try to consciously take effort not to complain about the things that go wrong to your friends, instead try countering it by counting your blessings and feeling grateful for the things that went right in your day.
Slowly, as you regain conscious control of your thoughts, you will find that you are more likely to see the brighter side of things whenever situations occur in which you would usually feel the need to complain about.
Start slowly... but just don't forget to start. So, Good Luck! And I'll see you at the brighter side.

Start adopting a health lifestyle

It's that time of the year when people vow to make changes. Maybe it's time to quit smoking, learn another language or take that kickboxing class you've been putting off all of last year. Regardless of what it is, you want to improve yourself in one way or another. One of the most common resolutions that people make is to get in better shape. It's no coincidence that January is the month when gyms rack up the most enrollments. How many of these new members will you see still see there in April? If you really want to make changes, do it in a way that will set you up for long term success. Don't flip a switch and decide that you're all of a sudden a fitness enthusiast. That's a recipe for failure. Here are five ways that you can make your new venture a successful one.
Create a Plan
Plan your day from beginning to end. From the time you wake up to the time you plan to retire for the night. Plan the day and times for laundry, grocery shopping and so on. Once you've done that, pick three days that you cleared your schedule to exercise for 45 minutes. It can be at home or at a gym so plan commute time accordingly. If waking up early before work is your best option, plan to get to bed earlier so you can wake up ready to go. If you plan to go after work, bring a gym bag to work so that you don't have to stop home afterwards. Once you consistently go three times a week, try adding a fourth day to the mix.
Make Gradual Changes
Bad habits didn't develop overnight and they can't be undone in that manner either. These toxins that we rely on have addictive properties that are hard to shake. The probability of quitting smoking by going from three packs a day to none at all is highly unlikely. Just like with everything else, it takes time and a consistent effort. The same goes with eating sugars, drinking coffee and a sedentary lifestyle. Take small steps in the right direction. Start with reducing the amounts of sugars you eat. Make a goal every week to eat less and less sugar. From drinks to foods, gradually phase them out of your diet. While doing this, try to sneak some exercise into your routine. If three times a week seems extreme, try two times, maybe for thirty minutes to start. Then lengthen your workouts and up your weekly visits as you get more accustomed to that lifestyle.
Set Goals For Yourself
Set goals to eliminate bad foods from your diet, to get to the gym and to improve your current fitness level. Allow yourself 50 grams (if you consume more than that) of sugar for the week and 2 gym visits. Practice pushups until failure. If you can do 6 repetitions at the moment, set a goal for to reach 10 repetitions in three weeks for example. Keep setting new challenges and new goals that will build on your previous results. Not only will it keep you more engaged in your workouts, it will let you track your progress.
Challenge Friends
You held a plank for one minute for your first time. You're excited, now challenge a friend or coworker to do the same. You did it, now see how long it takes them to do it. Maybe a weight loss challenge, who can do the most pushups or hold the longest plank. The more people engaged, the easier it becomes. You may even find a gym partner, which is the best way to push yourself through those rough days that you probably wouldn't make it. You can't let your gym partner go alone, they need you!
Don't Listen To Bad Advice
If you seek advice or nutrition counseling, go to a professional and disregard what anyone else has to say. Follow their advice and see where it leads you over a three month period. Don't give up after a week because you aren't seeing results. Only take advice from one person at a time. If you hired a personal trainer or dietician, take their advice and their advice only. The more people you ask for advice, the more contradictory information you will receive. Everyone has their own opinion or some silly fad diet that worked for them or how to build muscle or lose weight. Don't look for shortcuts or a quick and easy fix because there aren't any. Pace yourself throughout the journey and enjoy each step you take.

Another day of sheer gratefulness

Yesterday, a friend of mine turned 26 and i had another reason to celebrate with him on that day. I am usually not provoked at such situations, for sitting alone contemplating my own life, observing things/mistakes/people around me is what intrigues me the most. However, out of nowhere sometimes i do feel like going out and enjoying myself with the pack of friends that i have, yesterday was one such night. The night usually started the same way, with no specific plan about the place we wanted to visit, arguing about the reasons given by others for not being able to make it to the venue and shouting at each other for being late. Somehow we still reached there with plenty of time to wait for the late comers :D . On entering inside the restaurant, interiors were draped in colors , mostly in bloody red color giving a nocturnal flavor to the whole ambiance. What excited me more about the ambiance was a band that was setting up their instruments to rock the whole night.

My taste buds were slightly disappointed at the food served and space , however the good music and good company did not let me ponder upon it.Yes , we danced our ass off, we took selfies, groupies and more pictures that even our phones could have accommodated, i saw others getting drunk who were dancing even more in some never seen before avatar. I must mention the uniqueness of the songs that were sung last night by the band for those versions of the songs were unheard by my ears and the rhythm that embraced them beautifully. Lately, while putting my thoughts onto this blog i realized that music does gives me kick , an endorphin rush. Anyways , that's how the first half of the night ended and then started the after party wandering, the foggy highways and never ending laughter the whole time with my pack.

It was already midnight when we wrapped up our party and bid goodnight to each other , we all started heading our own way, some headed back to their home but for the rest of us the night had just begun. With only 4 people remaining out of 12 we started the car's ignition, put on some loud music and driving the car really slow towards Manesar highway. The drive to Manesar was what could possibly be the best thing to end this night. We drove 40km amidst the thick fog that did make the drive difficult yet so amusing and exciting. The night finally came to an end finally at 5 in the morning when i was about to hit the sack but with a big smile on my face due to sheer happiness.

All this makes me feel grateful for the life that i am blessed with , for the stability, tranquility i had throughout the day and the night, in fact everything, good or bad... For they say

"Be grateful for everything, for every good brings joy and bad brings experience"


Sunday, January 17, 2016


Few years back i fostered a new habit in my daily routine to help me clearly observe the fast paced monotonous life that i had been leading. Every night when i go to bed, when i am engulfed in darkness, utter silence, just before when i am done reading a book (been reading "The Mistborn" currently) i start thinking about the events that happened with me the same day, the disputes that were settled, that erupted or simply the moments that occurred during the day. Analyzing each and every one of them is quiet boring or time consuming so instead, i focus on the most important ones. For instance , the 11th hour preparations for the early morning office cab is what i was adamant to analyze and solve, for during that time i breathe heavily (try to stop yourself that time and analyze it), i am under pressure and my thoughts are negative that time. All these kept me worried and apparently the feeling of not being punctual provoked it all together. This was just a small observation which was difficult to observe while it was happening , but easier during this phase when i was calm and focussed over my thoughts. By analyzing the problem, it was already half solved and remaining half was solved by intaking nominal diet in the night, sleeping early and some self talking before going to sleep every night. The inferences that i drew can be different for most of us, the solution hence may vary but the process of analysis would be same for most of us. 

Another inference that i drew repetitively every night was my short temper which usually resulted in sour conversations that affected my whole day and my health as well. The reasons for this were many such as argumentative opponent, clash of egos and most of the times, impatience. I am putting continuous efforts to control my anger by constantly meditating, stopping and thinking before responding in such intense situations. Meditation has been quiet helpful and most of the times when earlier i used to land in a fight, now i am able to stop it before it even happens.This happens because meditation make us more aware of our thoughts thus giving us ample of information to deal with the situations we are in. Lately when i was reading a very interesting book by a renowned author named Jack Canfield in which he describes various principles that lead to success ,he gives a very nice equation of life by giving an example.

E + R = O

E - The event

R - Your response

O - The outcome

The Event in the above equation is what we cannot control , which is bound to occur and will happen no matter what. Now to change the outcome (
O) (whether positive or negative) entirely depends on how we deal with the event, how we Respond (R) to the event (E). I keep this equation in proximity to keep focussing on it and help myself deal with events and have a positive outcome out of them.

My introspection is still ongoing every night when i sleep as it helps me get a better grip over my life and makes me a better being with every problem that i solve. This was my way of dealing with life , do share your techniques that you use in the comments section below.
